隠れ家創作居酒屋 和み屋 熊本店

かくれがそうさくいざかや なごみや くまもとてん

  • Address
    熊本県熊本市中央区下通1丁目6-18 カーナA1ビル1F
  • Access
    2 minutes walk from Docomo Shimodori store on Sumocho street, 2 minutes walk on the left hand side from Famima on Minatomachi street
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
    Monday - Sunday, holiday, the day before holiday: 17: 00 - 1: 00 (cooking LO next 0:00 drink LO next 0:30)
    Open until late hours of the 2nd and 3rd parties!
  • Regular holiday
    No rest